Explore ways I have found to encourage others & be involved in community.
CDS Global Summit (2017) | Wake Awards Surf Expo (2015-16)|
Hunter Vision Promos (2013)| Catalyst Conferences (2011-12) |
ABHE Annual Meetings (2006-2011)
Photography | Travel | Writing| Cooking | Basketball | Football | Watersports |Sketching |Beaches
Tennessee– 18+YRS| Florida– 15+YRS | South Carolina– 3+YRS |New York– 1 YR | Indiana– 1 YR
Summit Connect is a structure for adults to focus on quality life together. The groups I led and participated in ranged from 7-15 people. Over the span of six years, groups made a significant impact in my life and created lasting relationships in the Orlando, FL community.
Foothills is a part of Base Camp Children's Ministry through Summit Church. During my time volunteering in 2013-2014, I enjoyed teaching and caring for children 2-5 years old. The classroom setting within Base Camp is structured with customized curriculum and activities to teach them about life & culture.